Prime100 choose novel proteins like kangaroo, turkey, lamb, duck, salmon, crocodile and wild boar for their limited antigen properties.
Cross-reactivity in allergic reactions can occur when one protein is similar to another protein. For example, if there is an allergy to chicken, there may also be a reaction to turkey. Cross-reactivity may also result if an animal is fed multiple proteins simultaneously. For example, if the animal is fed a non-reactive or novel protein (e.g. crocodile) along with a reactive protein (e.g. beef/liver treats) an allergic reaction may occur to both proteins.
Protein rotation is really about variety. If consistently fed the same food, some pets may develop an allergy or intolerance to common ingredients (e.g. chicken, beef etc.). Rotation feeding reduces this risk because the ingredients are not present long enough for the animal to develop an adverse reaction. Prime100 aims to mimic the natural diet i.e. one protein present at any one meal.